Giving of our Time, Talents and Resources

“There are just not enough people helping, so we will make a difference.” This is the driving force that sparked the idea of GHREA Gives Back! But what we’ve learned in such a short amount of time was just the opposite. Our community is brimming, with giving men, women and organizations big and small, who dedicate their lives to making a difference. Giving that stems from personal experiences, that ignites purpose.

From charities that provide food, shelter and safe havens, to services set in place to assist those well deserving military families and veterans in the St. Louis and St. Charles areas; our community is rich with caring groups and individuals who know the importance and the joy of helping others.

At GHREA we support these values and ideals. Our purpose behind giving, is our genuine and sincere passion for making a difference in our community and our world. Our desire is to be more than just a Real Estate Company that delivers extraordinary service to the families that we serve. At GHREA, we recognize that the many important causes that we support, makes an ongoing difference in the lives of others.

Because GHREA recognizes the broad range of needs in our community, we have chosen an eclectic variety of organizations and causes that are recipients of our donations. It is this awareness that continues to stir our enthusiasm and excitement for giving!

At the foundation of our core belief system, “Giving Back Because it Matters” is our charitable organization, “GHREA Gives Back!” This very important part of our organization contributes to those groups and individuals by giving of our time, talent and resources to this large variety of charitable organization

Local Charities We Support