Amendment 3 to stop double taxation will appear on the November ballot

Make sure to vote “yes” to prohibit real estate transfer taxes

There’s good news for Missouri homebuyers and sellers as Amendment 3, which if approved, would prohibit double taxation on real estate, will be placed on the November 2 ballot. The initiative had been stalled when the state of Missouri challenged the number of petition signatures to get the initiative on the ballot.

Amendment 3, supported by the Vote “YES” To Stop Double Taxation Committee and the 21,000-member Missouri Association of Realtors, would prohibit real estate transfer taxes on a sold property. The advocates see transfer taxes as double taxation because Missourians already pay property taxes on real estate, often over many decades of ownership. Missouri is one of just 13 states that do not impose the transfer tax, including all of Missouri’s neighboring states.

The Missouri Association of Realtors believes the transfer tax places undue stress on low-income Missourians who typically spend a larger percentage of income on their home.

Add the mix of Missourians who have lost their jobs, had pay cuts and have been forced to sell their homes or experienced a drop in property values, and the transfer tax just isn’t good for the recovering Missouri economy.

Here’s the simple and straightforward proposal: “Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to prevent the state, counties and other political subdivisions from imposing any new tax, including a sales tax, on the sale or transfer of homes or any other real estate?”
Taxation on real estate transfers will be placed on the November ballot. This amendment would prohibit

The state’s dismissal of its appeal to the Missouri Supreme Court followed positive talks between the Vote “YES” To Stop Double Taxation Committee and the offices of Secretary of State Robin Carnahan and Attorney General Chris Koster. Together, they agreed to ask Cole County Circuit Judge Paul Wilson to modify his ruling in the committee’s favor. The judge agreed to the modification, addressing the state’s issues while declaring there were more than enough valid signatures of registered voters to place Amendment 3 on the ballot.

The next step is encouraging massive voter turnout on November 2 to insure Missouri sellers and buyers are not assessed yet another financial burden.