MAR transfer tax on real estate sales

Say and no to a transfer tax on real estate sales Yet another tax on real estate transfers is double taxation. A petition drive to prohibit the tax would protect buyers and sellers from additional expense. With deficit budgets and declining revenues, legislators are looking for new sources of revenue and a transfer tax … Continued

Stop Missouri Double Taxation on real estate and say Yes to a new constitutional amendment and log on to

Let’s stop Missouri politicians from penalizing homeowners and buyers Missouri is one of 13 states that does not levy a transfer tax on home sales, and a coalition of property owners, businesses and the Missouri Association of REALTORSâ„¢ want to keep it that way. The group sees transfer taxes as double taxation because Missourians already … Continued

Help from Washington DC

In September, the House of Representatives and Senate created a rescue planfor homeowners and buyers. In October the House and Senate passed a bailoutplan for the economy. With all of this “help” from Washington D.C. you mightbegin to wonder how it is helping you. Most recently, Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 has beengrabbing headlines. … Continued