When buying a house, you are going to need a Title Company -look no further

Continental Title Company‘s staffs are proficient and knowledgeable in title research, turnaround times, and closing preparation. In only a short period of time, they can provide superior and confidential information. To understand what the Continental Title Company does, first someone needs to understand titles, title insurance, and how it works. A title is the evidence … Continued

Tornado season is here already. Trust John Mica of Shelter Insurance to explain it all to you so you are properly insured.

Spring began officially on Tuesday, March 20 but we had already gotten a taste of an unwelcome weather event—tornadoes. April through July is considered peak tornado season. Tell that to the people living in Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama and our own Joplin, still in the recovery process who have dealt with devastating storms already. Tornadoes are … Continued