A year-end thank you to our buyers and sellers. As we look ahead with cautious optimism, growth and success are based on adaptability.

Here we are looking at another new year. We have 365 days to call our own, use as we choose and grow. How we grow and learn depends on each of us discovering our talents and adaptability. Essayist William Arthur Ward expressed it perfectly, when he wrote, “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist … Continued

Spring Cleaning

Updating your home inventory: A current list of all valuables in your home can help make sure you have enough insurance to them if a disaster strikes. It may also help get your insurance claim settled faster. Simply list everything in a notebook and drop it in a file, along with receipts and photos of … Continued

Turn a Potentially Sick Home Into a Healthy One

Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors, making healthy living a challenge. We’ve really taken a hit this winter and Missouri weather, being what it is—unpredictable—most likely the snow and ice will stick around for a while. This means more time than usual cooped up indoors, at home, at the office, at the mall, … Continued